interactive workshop recorded in Norway
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This workshop to help you release stress is recorded in Norway and English spoken.
What Special Offer?
Yes, it used to be €47,- but now it is only …
What do you get in this STRESS RELEASE online workshop?
- In this workshop you learn how to USE TAPPING to release stress and other emotional responses.
- You get 6 videos with explanation about the technique and how you can apply this unto yourself.
- And you can see a demonstration of a short session how I work with one of the attendees.
- This is a No Content Session, which means that the client doesn’t need to tell me what the memory, she wants to change, is.
- 1 year access, so you can watch and listen to the videos where and when and as often as you want (the big advance of ONLINE training)
1. What is STRESS? How it HURTS us?
Workshop introduction
- The body does not know the difference between whether it is really happening or you are just imagining it.
- A thought, a sound or a smell might trigger the body, while we sit on the couch or lay in bed and nothing is really happening.
- We are good in fearful thinking, because we have learned to think like this.
- And more …
2. Stress is okay, but not full time
Whatever we think the body follows
- We do all kind of crazy things to deal with the results of stress, in stead of stop creating stress.
- The schedule is full and there’s no silence in our life any more.Time is subjective or maybe doesn’t exist at all.
- So it’s not okay to say: “I have no time” even though you might feel like that. Is it true?
- And more …
3. Our fears are not natural
We are programmed to be fearful
- We all have an invisible emotional ‘archive’. Imagine it like: many drawers full of memories. It is called the SUBCONSCIOUS SYSTEM.
- There’s where you have to go to change your programs, because there they are created.
- The logical mind is not getting you there.
- And more …
4. We are all fucked up 🙂
We form our habits and our habits form us
- We all got habits for free, learned by the people who loved us, but when we don’t need or like them any more, we have to change them.
- Beliefs and habits like “Finish your plate”, “Be silent”, “Money doesn’t grow on trees, so don’t dream too much” … we can let go of and change.
- We all have different parts inside ourselves, different roles we play, different moods for different moments.
- And more …
5. learn to release what you don’t like
Changing & replacing memories
- Learning to release your stress and replacing memories is really easy.
- Choose one memory that is bothering you at the moment, not too big, a little annoying.
- Do as I do in the video and tap with me!
- And more …
6. Short STRESS RELEASE Session with fast result
It works even without telling the problem
- Watch this short demonstration and see how it works
- And more …
Yes, it used to be €47,- but NOW it is only … € 7,-
Introduction in Norwegian & English
Scroll to 5:52 when you don’t need (or cannot) listen to the introduction in Norwegian.